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Revival of old footpaths through the Tuhinj valley

Developer: Tourist society Tuhinjska dolina

About the project: 
The Tuhinj valley is one of more visited valleys in »The Heart of Slovenia«. The Tourist society Tuhinj valley significantly contributes to the shaping of the tourist offer by the project of revival of old footpaths through the Tuhinj valley, connecting thus younger and older generation of inhabitants. On joint workhops and visits on the field old footpaths which connected specific points of culture heritage of this area in the past, have again been defined. Footpaths have been drawn into informative map which is intended to trekkers, cyclists, horsemen and other visitors. By the project, which for the beginning connects the communes Kamnik and Lukovica, The Tuhinj valley became richer for a new tourist offer what helps to higher recognition and higher life quality in this area. The project was joined by pupils from the primary school Šmartno in Tuhinj and guardianship working centre Sožitje from Loke in Tuhinj. The
project is designed so that it can be expanded on larger area of »The Heart of Slovenia«.

The period of the project duration: January - September 2009

Total value of project:
14.280,00 EUR
The funds LEADER: 10.650,00 EUR
The funds LAS: 1.250,00 EUR

Contact person: Ivan Hribar

Produkcija: Peternet